We are looking for a multi vendor marketplace solution web, android and iOS, it will be a food marketplace , i ideally if any ready solution will work for us…
i will make the UI and the app that will connect to your Raspberry Pi to control an LED Matrix cube.
Transfer WhatsApp chat from iPhone to android
I need an Android app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built.
i need to implement upload files to firebase storage and retreiving user information. I already have a design for it.
Quiero desarrollar una aplicaciĆ³n que tiene que ver con las redes sociales
implement facebook l ogin option and phone otp firebase android
in my react native app, i am using ‘react-native-af-video-player’ library. when i try to open Video in android its crashing same thing works on ios. current versions: “react-native”: “^0.63.3”, “react-native-af-video-player”:…
an iPhone app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built.
Buenas tardes, somos la empresa Nari soluciones, los cuales queremos entrar en un proyecto nuevo de una app de taxis, ya contamos actualmente con un servicio de taxis central ,…