Hello i have a buy his tool from codecanyon https://codecanyon.net/item/premium-url-shortener/3688135 i want to Short all links automaiklty from a other Database and rewrite the old one For Better understanding: I…
Necesitamos un codificador experto en PHP para modificar un objeto de la clase de Moodle, para obtener el informe de calificaciones Excel en el mejor formato, se adjunta el archivo…
Back in 2004 we made a Serial tag manager ( PHP & MYSQL ) backend for a client and it’s been sitting unused for several years. A couple years when…
Desarrollo de un software de mantenimiento preferiblemente en CodeIgniter instalado en un servidor o hosting con las caracteristicas mostradas en el video. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1anDMi4kqZrwHBbtjBBc30afqH1LXRyd4/view
Convert WordPress Multisite to 3x Separate Single WordPress Installations – MDev 20201214E
We would like to convert the WordPress multisite at https://montessorii.com/ to 3x WordPress single sites. See attached. Each of the previous montessorii.com language sites (EN, CN, TW) and the databases…
1) ensure the start of the archivist and archimist applications in case of system restart 2) enable outgoing mail service via aruba parameters 3) disguise that third level “vista.” “mista.”…
Person scans a QR code on their mobile phone that is applicable to that specific Vendor location. They are brought to a generic landing page to enter their personal data…
Hello l need to optimized my mysql configuration settings to archive great performance for multiple websites and high traffic current server: Xeon 24 core 128GB Ram 1TB ssd current settings…
I have a chat addon for Xenfor 2.2 (Chat 2 by Siropu – http://siropu.com/forums/chat/), I want to be redesigned like the attached images.
I want to save stories and posts periodically for more than hundred accounts on Instagram. Simple bootstrap panel. Just want to add usernames, want to add timer for fetching stories…
I need a php class developed for SolidCP. Basically we need to have the class be able to do the following: 1. Create a SolidCP account With A Hosting Space…
Need a Electrical engineer who can help on vlsi design with tanner or mector editor tools
Need a Electrical engineer who can help on vlsi design with tanner or mector editor tools