looking for steel trading specialist , link up if you are an agent or if your a steel trading specialist
I have one .bacpac file. You need to convert this into .sql file. Anyone can do it? It will take very short but urgent.
Hire! Looking for English writer / translator / virtual assistant located in Europe/America
We are a digital agency that brings powerful projects to life. We are happy that we get to know you, and potentially work with you! English Level: Conversational+ Location: Europe…
Necesito continuar el desarrollo de una app de entrenamientos creada en django y phyton. No necesito crearla desde 0, sino continuarla y añadirle mas funciones. www.fitnesstrackingpartner.com
Need someone to enter data into an Excel file. File is already pre-written with main vertical category. Need someone to set up three horizontal columns and enter data from attached…
Bir web sitesine otomatik olarak kayıt olacak program yaptırmak istiyorum. Web sitesine kayıt olurken isim-soy isim ve eposta istiyor. Bunların hepsi gerçek insan gibi durmalı bu yüzden bütün isim,soy isim…
i Need someone Good in Verilog and matlab. i will provide more details in the chat.
I have an already build HTML5, Java script web page that is a landing page and send email to an email address Main goal is to make it appear in…
Hey, LONG TIME WORK I have 32 websites to copy. They are simple websites, you have to have a good knowledge of PHP. For each website, I pay 100 dollars.…
We are looking who has experience to develop the app who has experience to development of website and as well digital marketing if you are the one then you can…