I need an expert that can help me integrate this to lavarel app
Hi Designers I am finding Web and Logo designer for blockchain project
I am looking for a freelance architect to design a 2 level 3+4 residence with a lanai/s on the second floor in a classic hawaiian plantation style. (Batten board siding,…
I am looking for help on implementing Cook Torrance based BRDF with a ray tracing algorithm that is followed here: Can discuss more about this with someone who is…
Mi servirebbe comparare le quote (pre-match / in-play ) con delle statistiche ( calcolate con footy-stats api) per trovare value-bet. Attualmente utilizzo le api di footystats per le quote, ma…
Solicito creador de videos para un canal de youtube de documentales de historia en español
Solicito creador de videos para un canal de youtube de documentales de historia en español. Los videos son entre 13 y 15 minutos cada uno. El trabajo es contínuo. El…
We currently need someone who’s Based in Jordan to translate English to Jordan
Tenemos una página y queremos hacer un rediseño para transmitir mejor nuestra propuesta de valor y crear muy buena experiencia de cliente.
We are looking for Senior Android and/or iOS developers Preferably 5+ years of mobile development experience needed. Start: ASAP Duration: Long term, FTE
Hi, I want a strategy scipt to execute in tradetron and that is rolling straddle or strangle with hedges and without need to modify some changes in my hedged…
I need a logo redesign in AI with vectors for a specific cutting tool for menus I can provide and old photoshop file or png to work from.
Hi there, We purchased The Events Calendar with a bunch of their plugins – however, the design isn’t included so we would like someone to set our website up to…