In my project I want to design a excel macro with screen that can take inputs . I need the same to take data from background excel file . Giving…
I am looking for a senior React Native developer with expertise in the following technologies: 1- React Native 2- Typescript 3- Elasticsearch 4- Node 5- Agora Video call integration Thanks
There are 3 bugs: 1. Product images not open in lightbox 2. When we put embed videos in the description it’s overlaps footer. See example: 3. In manufacturer’s page…
I have built a very basic webpage using HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. I need some help with debugging a bit of PHP. This is urgent, please help me.
Assistance in Computer Graphics Task
We are currently looking for new freelancer who will work for us
Escanear la pisada de un paciente y determinar : Angulo de clarke Índice de Hernández-Corvo Índice de Staheli
The Return of Mas Event costume launch +party April 2nd 2022 22:00- 04:00 Address: Saturnus – Saturnusstraat 22 – The Hague Pure Fete presents Caribbean Love costume launch Description: Flyer…
Necesitamos un maquetador web con muy buenos conocimientos de wordpress, para retocar una web que contiene errores de maquetacion y estilos. Principalmente habria que revisar el codigo/plugins para que a…
Browser Automation – via imacros or Selenium quick 15 minutes task need now
See attached plan and section. Scope is to remove wall and chimney between the kitchen and the dining room to create Kitchen/Diner (C to D) Also to the arch in…
Se requiere generar diseño en xd adobe con buenas ideas y con diseño unico no requiero plantilla se requiere weframe + web + elearning + dashboard + app solo personas…