Hi, I want to build a website in bubble.io which will have heavy integrations with maps – Google Map or Mapbox, and also include customizations like drawing circles on maps…
Read description. Stringer and shear panel design, Column and panel buckling, Use of composite structures, bending and shear loads in thin-walled structures. “Everything needs calculation in hand”
Critical issues in parasport. Need research paper for 2000 words. More details will be provided to individuals.
Hi, We have a SIEMENS PLC and we would like to write a python script to read/write values on the PLC. We are looking for someone who has good knowledge…
Looking for expert to build a web based water park software (with offline sales counter facility when internet not available) with features of tickets issue on counter and through web,…
App for LG tv, that plays a song and shows substitute. Song is a .wav, and subs are .ass format.
We need a larvel developer to develop a marketplace website. We are kind of aggregator for a marketplace. To put is simply, fiverr.com Has Gigs Able to manage from manager…
docassemble based manual development Prior experience with docassemble and python required.
Run a campaign for me with a text message component to get phone numbers and emails for marketing and orders
I’m looking to run an ad for my pie business. I want to replicate this ad. ESPECIALLY the text message aspect. I want to offer a free pie and drink…
i am looking for people who can develop animated loading icons with required animation
i am looking for people who can develop animated loading icons
My company has access to a few works by Fernand Botero and Frida Kahlo. We are looking for buyers. I am uploading Botero pieces here. Kahlo pieces can be viewed…
The goal of this small project is to make some changes in the current implementation of our landing page and start adding SEO. We already have a template written in…