I have a project which I need between 7 pages of research papers excluding introduction and references page done on excel and financial modeling. What you’ll do: I will provide…
We are a complete construction solution company with wide product range related to construction and interior solutions. We also provide services related to construction and interior solutions. We neeed an…
I have a weekly marketing newsletter that I’m trying to build an refferal program for. I’m using Podia.com to send out the email but all of the newsletter referral all…
I am looking for someone to edit, join introduction of 13 different videos to create a playlist on you tube for our members to see
We are looking for tokenomics for in-game use and on Dex
Required: embedded software development; profound development expertise in C++, C++11/14/17; QML; Technologies python, Cmake, Buildpipelines; (Embedded-)Windows Clean Code Principles, Solid Design, test driven development
Create Animation How-to Videos and short videos/animation that can be used for FB Ads
Buscamos a una persona con experiencia en la dirección de agencias de marketing (no director de departamentos) experiencia en gerencia. Nos reuniremos con esta persona y nos comente cual ha…
I need to implement PSO in microarray data using KNN and SVM using python
Razorpay Payment gateway integration in the existing Phpfox application’s default payment system. The existing application currently supports only the Paypal Payment gateway. Phpfox Payment System: https://www.phpfox.com/features/monetization/payment-gateways/ Razorpay Payment gateway docs:…
I got this song with a huge artist and I need a crazy hook for my song you make it crazy with crazy facts and straight up bars and if…
Website Development using Python https://xd.adobe.com/view/40294aec-a46a-49e9-b743-1148c6ea9338-157a/