It will be a website through which I will be able to receive payment for my courses and also upload course content. I will be able to modify, update course…
We’re a data analytics platform. We want to undertake some market analysis of markets before considering our market entry strategies. Markets are Brazil & Mexico. We wish to understand- Political…
I’m looking for a genius developer/s that can replace and update this HTML static website: restoringdata .ca to a modern WordPress version 5.9.3 website using this template (or any other…
Tenemos un plugin desarrollado en wordpress que precisa cambios de diseño. Queremos rediseñar ese plugin por completo, para esta tarea es indispensable tener dotes de diseño, manejar html 5,css y…
Criação de tela com tabela (grid) com 10mil+ registros, sendo cada célula um componente (H)
Tenho uma tela em meu sistema que apresenta uma tabela (linhas e colunas) que pode chegar a maior que 100 linhas x 100 colunas. O usuário deve ser capaz de…
I need to create 3D unity fight game similar to street fighter. Budget is $1000 for complete game. Game must be approved by me with all the docs elements completed.…
نحتاج خبير في التسويق الالكتروني وصناعة المحتوى ووضع خطط تسويقية ناجحة لمنتج زيت شعر ، يكون خبير يتحدث اللغة العربية
I am having an AAU basketball team and want to reality tv show it and put it on my youtube
Create telegram bot of java example, create a bot that listens to what is said in the chat and returns each message that is sent, also determined by a boolean,…
I’m looking for an experienced trader who can help me trade on my binance account and earn as much as possible.