Applied Biomechanics in Sport and Exercise (Can use Kinovea) Writing Expert needed
We need a french SEO specialist Must have following qualities: MUST HAVE FRENCH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY.!!!!!! Should have knowledge of Off-Page SEO Optimisation Guide the content team to produce SEO-friendly content…
I need a 3D animated short film done with lil syncing words etc for a music video
Get me an email ending in .gov or .crime
I am in need for Real Estate Market consultation!! My idea is to pay on an hourly rate for the time to get set up with an all-around packet. Set…
Estamos contratando escritores que completarão todas as nossas tarefas regulares de escrita. A maioria deles são redação e redação de artigos. Só coloque lance se você for experiente e experiente…
Creation of presentations, works in word, 3D modeling (Sketch Up, Tinkercad) + creation of small programs in python. / Создание презентаций, работ в word, 3Д моделирование (Sketch Up, Tinkercad) + создание небольших программ в python.
Могу создавать презентации, 3Д моделирование (Sketch Up, Tinkercad) + создание небольших программ в python на заказ. О цене можно догоговорится. / I can create presentations, 3D modeling (Sketch Up, Tinkercad)…
We have to do a Final year project in webot software . In that we have to make map of our college are and have to do 3-4 scenarois .…
Se requiere comparar una imagen alojada en un servidor, y compararla con unas siluetas o imágenes semejantes almacenadas en una base de datos, de manera que se envíe una alerta…
I’m looking for motion graphic who can work on project more than 30 Vedio 30 sec
i am looking for people who can help me on marketing