I would like you to create a usdt trc20 pyramid app, domain, secure… Below, you’ll find some examples looking forward to discusz more in details.
We need native Korean speaking male and female voice-over for multi-lingual animated educational content. The original content is translated to Korean from English. You will have to match your pitch…
Applying machine learning algorithms on fake news dataset in R language
I am looking for some quailty provider copywriters. i will provide details of contents
Hi Freelancers, I am looking native Tamil peoples who can communicate in Tamil language for 5-6 hours. This projects needs pairing of two Tamil peoples, I want the recording of…
We want to track Software bugs Its is like Help desk ticketing system. 1. The application should display dashboard with multiple graph in the dashboard 2. Each application will have…
Hi i will share the details with the shortlisted candidates thanks
Hi i will share the details with the shortlisted candidates. Thanks
Se requiere para sitio WEB https://gestordepartes.com/parts 1 hacer seo por categorías 2 hacer seo por productos
Looking for someone to design & build an e-commerce grocery shopping app which requires the following: *Geo Location *Uploading multiple supermarket vendors *Listing products from multiple vendors *Payment Gateway *User…
I own a disaster management company that helps people navigate the process of fixing their homes after a weather related disaster. My background as Army Soldier, aircraft mechanic, pilot, realtor,…