Develop a script for extracting and updating product detail into our site. Support is also needed for at least 6 months.
Looking for programmer in Toronto , ON area to program, web SAAS app in the financial industry. Product has been designed, need web app skills like html, php, mysql etc,…
I need a Database that allows me to manage the logistics. – Admin – Sender ( insert ) – Recipient ( insert ) – Driver ( insert ) – Truck…
need a full database of cars ability to register with phone number costomer be able to make adv for car have news section video and review section
Hello, I’m looking for AWS solution architect to re-architect my webserver, I have a single server VM with PHP and MySQL which I want to convert to managed services in…
— Leer bien antes de ofertar — Estoy buscando a un programador, ingeniero de sistemas o desarrollador web con experiencia en Linux/Unix mainly – Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS entre otras cosas relacionadas a…
We are looking for native EU freelancers. For start up, you should at least 3 years Laravel, 2 years Vue.js, and 2 years React Native experience and available at least…
Need to create a form in php and js that displays or hides fields according to previous fields values
We would like to develop an Application to do the Quality Check process of the project system. FAT Reports to be printed in PDF Format at the end of the…
Event Photographer requires a site which should be able to display photos from events in a user friendly site. The idea is I take event photos, and I want people…
Hola necesito desarrollar 2 informes en Jasper. La base de datos esta en MySQL y se requiere que los informes puedan leerse de distintas bases de datos con la misma…
I have a marketplace script that I someone customize it and add some features to it for us, some of the features and customization will basically come the following website…