3d modeling will be done using ziva. Only those who know how to use ziva at an advanced level will be interviewed.
Qiv servicios de salud se especializa en el tratamiento de odontologia estetica y odontologia para el adulto mayor(odontogeriatria),nos encontramos ubicados en la ciudad de bogota,colombia,suramerica. los precios en forma comparativa…
Hi developers looking for faster developer who can develope this app and admin pannel faster as much as possible full details are atteched in text file in this project you…
I need someone very good in photoshop to modify something on a document very easy and quick to do need to do it asap
is it possible to build so hardware so it would be possible to conduct electrical currents between units by induction (like a contactless rechargeable toothbrush) 4 units to starts and…
I have a huge mailing list of clients that I need to be able to send out mail on Mailchimp. I have the full paid version of this but cannot…
I want to advertise a soap brand in my store and i need a designer to design some posters and selfie frames so that I can print it out and…
I’m looking for a native Spanish speaker to translate a steamy male/male/female romance novel from English to Spanish. The current project is 54,000 words and pays a dollar per 100…
I’m looking to develop a custom virtual booth for my event. Link below is an example of the full flow i am looking for. It should work for computer and…
Hello Do you have expertise in Sensitivity Analysis in Finance? If yes, please apply. No teams or companies please.
We are about to start a Direct Selling company and wanted someone to build mlm software+ website for us