i need someone to draw buildings plans for a casitas to turn in for a permit in maricopa county az
I will share static images or a short video then edit the video to show that person doing a different activity
Ready Go is developing a new concept for its brand new Mega Domino tabletop game Lucky Dice Edition for an electronic version for cell phones. The game is designed with…
Need an urgent design for a Men’s Innerwear renders in 3Dsmax. Area of the store is 1000Sq ft. Theme of the store is sustainable design with a section in which…
I need an expert who help me Prepare a DOD SOW TEMPLATE FOR US Based on MIL-HDBK-245D
Need help with building few JAVA API calls to store and retrieve data from oracle. Attached document has some details
Build a quiz app (IOS & Android) using flutter and firebase as backend. Quiz should support mathematical formulae, plain text, images as options. User should be able to login to…
Looking for a graphic designer who have previously worked in the fashion niche. A small project for designing our website’s pre-loader animation.
I’ve made a rough draft off all we object to but need help putting into writing. Its for a juvenile court case regarding my mom being granted legal custody of…
Bir dijital menu holder prototipi geliştirmek istiyoruz. Prototip acryl bir holder stand ve elektronik kismindan olusuyor. Basit bir button ile code göstereliyor. Bütce görüsülebilir.