Suche jemanden bzw einen Ghostwriter, der mich im Fach Werkstoffkunde und Maschinenelemente, welches Grundlagenfächer des 3 Semesters sind, für eine online Klausur unterstützt. Bitte melden
Looking for a blogg writer to provide my blogg with interesting articles and contents bid if you have interest
I need someone to suggest me topics for research in HRM ( Software Engineering ) which is not researched before.
Rewrite – Proofreading for an Rewrite – Proofreading for an arugrment
Looking for native English writers who are affordable for an Indian client. It’s for a lifestyle/shopping blog – I will be providing all the necessary content framework. Articles are typically…
I have written a book (poetry collection) and would like illustrations on some of the poems and a cover for the book
I need to hire a freelancer who has experience of designing and developing a CV for the position of CEO. I have my CV which needs to be enhanced by…
Need an expert in creating course content related to personal finance topics
Writers wanted to publish 1 article per hour working 8 hour days. $5 per hour.
I need a KML Programmer to import sets of custom written GPS data and produce Google Maps with route lines, pins and (hopefully) clickable URLs from each sub route or…