I need a literature review to be written.
We would like to create some documents and web site content describing our products and services. We need help writing that conent.
Need someone with creative writing, without grammar issues. Rate offered is $10 per 1000 words. Most articles will be around 2000 words.
We have a Price List made in ADOBE INDESIGN ( Attached the *.pdf File ), and we need to change the prices to a new ones . We provide an…
Waiver services are provided by Medicaid to care for the developmentally disabled and elderly. There is currently a scarcity of technology in this industry. Cura OS is the first and…
true life adventure that takes u from growing up in normal suburban life style and ends as a notorious white collar criminal living a lavish lifestyle. Themes: crime thriller, suspense
I have to write 10 articles related to home nursing on my website within 15 days. But I have to complete the article with good keywords. I want to write…
Reference Your CONSULTANCY PROPOSAL FOR MWP Project Proposal 19052021 TO Make 1. Business Plan Extended + Pitch Deck Extended + Company Valuation At Fixed -150 USD Time ASAP
Commonwealth Books of Virginia is publishing satirical fiction by an anonymous author. The title of the book, which a roman a clef set in Charlottesville, Virginia in 1975, is Jefferson…
I’m looking for someone to create graphics for my presentation. We have ideas of what we want to have done (ie. puzzle pieces coming together) so need someone who knows…