I’m looking to build a Chrome extension that grab the email and name form people who attend to a Zoom Meeting or Zoom Webinar and been able to update an…
create website using a figma design Requisites: vue.js, ajax, responsive design(look and feel), scss(can be sass or less). website: https://www.figma.com/file/H8IfU6sCrHxjBeUuQHTFnl/MetaPay-Landing-Page-Upodated?node-id=0%3A1
We need a gateway intergrated into a plugin to use on IPS (invision community) https://ipaytotal.solutions/tutorials/how-to-integrate-ipaytotal-payment-api
I need an ERC-1155 contract created in order to Mint NFts(721s) and ERC-20 tokens.
Need someone to design Airtable base showing several levels of relationships (probably 4-5 linked tables at most). Seeking a way to track: 1) Clients 2) their representatives 3) who from…
I want to add to my website www.novarts3d.com an semi-automatic quote system for 3D printing service through a form. *Sharing basic knowledge for us will require future modifications *I’m Spanish-speaking…
I can create a mindblowing ecommerce website which can be lot better then shopify
Tenemos un proyecto en que vamos a desarrollar un sistema de service desk web, dónde estará en la nube y tendrá gran interectividad entre los usuarios. El sistema será de…