I have a live website i need to convert into web app like web view based app in Android studio My website contains some download able pdf & excel docs…
I have a live website i need to convert into web app like web view based app in Android studio My website contains some download able pdf & excel docs…
Bulid me a web-view based Android app
I need react native expert for my project It need at least 2 years of experience
I am looking for an expert developer in programming, javascript php laravel. The job would be to integrate the spotify api into my website so that they can embed spotify…
Would prefer someone with QE QA SDET experience but will work with a programmer who knows JavaScript well.
WordPressウェブサイトの日本語版の作成を手伝ってくれる日本のウェブ開発者を探しています。 また、日本語検索のSEOにも取り組みたい
Platform App Development to all countries Startup Fintech Microcredit Credit, Belgium, EuropaOnly, Specialists Profesional
Looking for someone that can create the simple window that allows us to host all of our games and media in one place in the form of an sdk/apk type…
Launching an online store, got a lot on my plate. In need of someone who is familiar with building a shopify store.
Looking for a wordpress developer and designer who has a good design sense and can develop and maintain our sites for long term level
I want a website for my coaching institute some part static but a little bit dynamic pages and it should be linked with my android app, it should be simple…