Build a complete system consisting of :: Backend :: 1. Database to store the records – MySQL 2. REST Server – Golang/ Python Front End :: (Both points below to…
The task is to collect data from Facebook pages that I will be providing and analyse them as per the instruction provided by the company
Brochure already designed ,bcos of change in company name,need to edit the text
Brochure already designed ,bcos of change in company name,need to edit the text
We looking to build a project(web application) which can facilitate employer/recruiter find recently opened IT contract/full time jobs. This is the Basic Idea so far we have is given below…
I’m looking for someone experienced in PHP, Python and javascript to make a wordpress plugin for me, it involves scraping contents from a selective sites and reposting it on the…
Estoy creando una agencia de viajes con wordpress requiero que le programen precios de temporadas.
Buscamos Programador Senior con altos conocimientos en : Angular del lado del frontend spring boot de Java para el backend Y la base de datos es postgresql ya sea tiempo…
Create a website from scratch Once again so it has a fresh set of files As the server is flagging theses ones up and taking them down over and over…
I need an online shop for the German market. Various products are sold, electronics, gas, mobile phone accessories, etc The homepage should look very professional but at the same time…
Tengo un sitio web principal donde funciona un aula virtual www.midominioprincipal Quiero CREAR un SUBDOMINIO y quede de este modo Utilizare el dominio principal en otro sitio El servidor…
Здравствуйте! Интересует карточная игра в режиме ar & vr. Hello! Interested in a card game in ar & vr mode.