Se requiere crear un módulo de chat multiagente que gestione las conversaciones de whatsapp y Facebook en una aplicación existente. Debe proponerse arquitectura que soporte altas demandas de trabajo con…
BSR would be less than 5000, only UK brands approval require. Categories: each category 04 products requires 01)Pet food 02)Health and personal care 03)Gardon and outdoors 04)Beauty 05)Grocery
There is a afl which i want to get converted into pine script. just need to convert it to tradingview pine script , and crosscheck the results with amibroker .…
Hello experts, I’m looking for someone to rebuild a event promotion website. This website will provide free services to help event managers promoting future activities. I want a simple website…
The project is to redesign an existing landing page. Design should be based on thorough research of the industry and potential clients Basically, the purpose is to redesign and describe…
I have a ringless voicemail app that uses twilio it is written in PHP. I need it written in C# with WPF. I have the files and DB, just need…
Paytm payment integration. You must have already done this before and be able to do it in
The Candidate should have Good knowledge of working with Paytm integration with a good understanding of the code. You will Write a integration layer for payment through Paytm and must…
Hay algunas cosas que necesito urgente corregir si se puede, La tienda está en wordpress con el tema Astra versión gratuita y el Divi builder, he colocado un tema hijo…