السلام عليكم. ابحث عن احد عنده خبره في مجال computer vision. يقدر يشرح ليا بعض المقالات و الكودات في موضوع adverse weather image enhancement. المبلغ نتفاوض ونتفق عليه ، ليس…
I need to create a UV map and retopology of my outfit! for games up to 30-60 policies! need fast
We are looking for a PPC expert
Hi https://www.soberlink.com/share#get-started (https://prnt.sc/u94ROVOwW31n) I am going to change the design from Figma https://www.figma.com/proto/PgMGkpq5kG6NVXDF0kYzEQ/Share-Decision-Tree?node-id=238%3A591&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=238%3A287&starting-point-node-id=238%3A288 The previous developer made it using vue.js Please place a bid if you can do it
i need fix my website error need to skills python,php,apis bugs expert to solve my error
i need fix my website error need to skills python,php,apis bugs expert to solve my error
WordPress platform which can be easily edited once cloned we need to ensure the colours and font style of our logo matches the website so it’s not exactly the same.new…
I need modify a program to include other option
I want an announcement-bar slider, the same as the one on the same https://www.missoma.com/ site, exactly the same movement when entering the site, and the same every detail, Take a…
i need fix my website error need to skills python,php,apis bugs expert to solve my error
i need fix my website error need to skills python,php,apis bugs expert to solve my error
عمل موقعين موقع لشركة ديجيتال ماركتنج والموقع الاخر لشركة تدريب اونلاين لكورسات فى مجالات الجرافيكس والموشن والبرمجة والديجيتال ماركتينج الموقعين standard تم حجز الدومين
I have a fairly new website but need to add some information and correct some errors in my current website my current website is www.innovatemeddc.com
I need help to set up App Store Connect, Unity IAP settings and test on TestFlight. In app purchases are working in Unity project and the game is published Google…