Introduction A web application to which people can mark the places they’ve travelled to before (e.g., On Google Maps or any other kind of map, the places which have been…
Ho necessità di uno scraping su sito web. Si specifica che il sito in questione ha inserito una sicurezza particolare che riconosce l’avvio dello scraping da selenium.
I have a project that was created with swift 3. We need to update the swift version to the latest swift version. The project is Quraan project that contains some…
I want to build a fully functional website with payment gateway, order status and customer support. It’s basically a website to sell some products to the customers online.
We need a fullstack developer who has extensive experience with react and nodejs. Candidates must have at least six months of experience on ONE project. For example, if candidate’s longest…
want huge organic promotion to specific telegram group members or someone who has a big channel or group on telegram to make promotion
Looking for someone from a tech background to build a Marketplace website
Necesito encontrar a alguien que me explique con detalle los datos de unos dashboards en Tableau y me ayude a modificar uno, manteniendo el formato a ser posible. El documento…
I’m looking for a skilled programmer to create an added feature for a PHP script. The feature should allow users to rate articles on the website. Since the existing script…
I am looking for someone to convert figma designs to React Native code using version 0.60 of React Native. I have all the design elements and assets complete. This work…
Wer aktualisiert mein Drupal 9.1.0 auf die aktuellste Version 10.x und bindet das Plug-in VG-Wort so ein, dass es funktioniert?