Hello every one! I am looking to have some one create a chatroom for my website. I’d like it’s own link in the side navigation options. I’d also like admin…
a page has navbar and a sortable datalist with delete and edit option. there should be search and filter option too. a list should be paginated. experience in primefaces and…
Looking for someone expert with bitcoin core and bitcoin node hosting experience I want to setup my own nodes for bitcoin
Hey this should be pretty easy if you know php/html, I have a site template that i’ve edited for my needs, I just need the user to input their iPhone…
need to received payment on my website also it is good idea to redesign. also i have another website i need to add a group chatroom
i have a site in django python i wanna integrate bitpay payment gateway the customer will chose one of the plan if he pay successfully with btc he will be…
Hello every one! I am looking to add a User Upload Gallery, where users can upload their pictures for every one to see. Pretty Simple. I’d also like to have…
Website is running since 2 years, now I want to update wit a new template and some minor updates
Hello every one! I am looking to have some one create a function on my site. PHP, on WoWonder. I am looking for some one to create the ability for…
Hello, I am currently building a shopify website however I need a professional to really kick the website up a few notches. Let me know prices and what you can…
Hello every one! I am looking to add a function to my website. PHP, using WoWonder. I have a Movie Section. I want all users that upload videos to my…
I need a help to publish my web page into my Cloud windows server 2019 Thanks