Hello I am looking for someone to make me a website like https://www.bustabit.com but instead of the website taking bitcoin like bustabit I would want it to accept Litecoin the…
Need a project lead for website projects. This is a long term position.
Busco un profesional freelancer para posicionar mi empresa en las redes sociales y google a través de una estrategia de marketing digital que me permita obtener más clientes y ventas.
Hi, i have an Excel file, i would like to protect it in this way. When it load asks for a password If password1 (admin) is typed load the file…
Should have the experience of working on maintenance project in node.js. Long term position.
I need a Hadoop Big-data expert for my current projects. If you have knowledge please bid.
************** Make your BID the FINAL COST – NO CHANGES in the BID ***************** ** LOOK AT THE SITES to see how it will be done. will need frontend programming…
hello i biult a code that works with some websites but not with a website in mind and i waould like to solve the code to work for that website…
I have a script and also some demo videos that i want to turn into a storyboard for the project. The total amount of frames are 20-25 and i need…
India, Pakistan Developer – Prefer. Google sheets – help train me for an hour brushing up on formulas for a work project to set a few templates for data input
It doesn’t need to be pretty. It just needs to work well and be secure. You need to be able to create auctions and normal listings as well. I can…
The game I want A Developer for is like a shooter game but it isn’t a shooter game,’ I want the game to be like a shooter game but not…