Traduzir um E-Book em formato JPG com 87 páginas do inglês para o português.
I am a Brazilian English teacher looking for native English speakers to help my students improve their communication skills
I have written a book in English. Now, with the help of DeepL and my own knowledge of Danish, I have translated it to Danish. But it needs proofreading to…
I have a report on the reality of media freedom and freedom of expression. The report is translated from Arabic into English by a translator, whose mother tongue is Arabic.…
Hello, I am looking for a native Polish for my small English to Polish translation project. I need to translate some texts from English to Polish. Only 100 to 200…
Topic: translation I need someone who can translate from English into Spanish language
Hello, I need someone to translate some text from English to Portuguese.
Hi I need someone to translate 200 words from English to Arabic.New freelancers bids are allowed to bid only.
Hello we are looking for a native freelancers who can translate 100 words from English to Turkish.New freelancers bids are allowed to bid only.
Hi I need someone who can translate 100 words from English to Portuguese.New freelancers bids are allowed to bid only
La busqueda se orienta a personas de Venezuela, con experiencia como Secretaria/o, buena habilidad administrativa y orden, como para asistir a dar seguimiento a proyectos en curso. Se necesita una…
Hello we have some documents to be translated from English to spanish.New freelancers bids are allowed to bid only.