Marketing Manager con esperienza ads, siti web, editing immagini e video, copywriting, smm
La tua posizione richiederà uno sforzo mentale non indifferente, in quanto sto cercando una testa pensante che possa sviluppare e attuare strategie per incrementare il fatturato. Ripeto, se non avete…
I am looking for a Facebook Ads specialist who can create targeted ads for aesthetic clinic. The target audience is men and women between 18 and 65 years old. The…
Hello! I’m looking to get some SEO work done on my website and am in need of a professional freelancer who can help me out. My current website ranking on…
We are seeking an experienced SEO Specialist to help optimize our newly launched programming learning platform, and improve our organic search rankings. The ideal candidate is someone who has demonstrated…
موشين جرافيك لشركة تقوم بتطوير مواقع الكترونيه وتطبيقات ويكون باللغة العربية
مرحبًا صديق! أمتلك وأدير شركة محلية للخدمات المنزلية وأبحث عن مؤلف إعلانات متمرس لإكمال مشاريع متعددة. يتطلب المشروع الحالي نسختك لما يلي: 1. برنامج Google AdWords 2. الصفحة المقصودة من…
I’m looking for an experienced freelancer to help me create a successful video ad campaign to generate leads or sales for my business. My target audience is young adults and…
I am looking for a Google Ads / PPC expert to manage my advertising campaigns for my IT provider / MSP business. My monthly advertising budget falls within the range…
Sto cercando un freelancer che abbia esperienza nel gestire diverse campagne FB ads in contemporanea. Deve anche essere in grado di capire la tipologia di potenziale cliente a cui far…
I’m looking for a social media influencer to promote my product on Instagram. The influencer needs to post product content as part of their regular posts. There is no set…
Looking for a skilled freelancer to generate leads in the recruitment and staffing industry. The target audience is small business owners in Ontario, Canada, so experience in B2B lead generation…
I need some help setting up inventory management in eBay and linking this to QuickBooks using the Quickbooks Connector app.