Hello, i need a figma designer to do a figma design for a tracking app my budget is no more than $50
I am looking to create an APP that will allow our company to create a detailed maintenance list that our technicians will follow and complete. We will need to generate…
I have a project which completed 60% in kotlin and mvvm framework. So we need a Android developer for complete this project
se requiere modificar aplicación que obtiene los datos del GPs de telefono android para que sea enviada a un servidor, para identificar a que dispositivo pertenece se debe modificar para…
I’m looking for an experienced virtual assistant to help with marketing. *I want my books promoted to gain sales *The right candidate must be fluent in writing, reading and speaking…
we need to solve the login with Google and log in with Facebook issue on android java
Need an android app like the below – Solve objective physics NEET questions, NEET biology MCQs, and chemistry NEET practice questions designed as per the latest syllabus of NEET. Recall…
I operate some private bus for out station and I have already mobile app for bus ticketing but I want to add real time location in application for customer who…
Tengo una lámpara led que se puede controlar (intensidad de la luz y temperatura de color) a través de Bluetooth con una app propia (Android). Esta app no tiene posibilidad…
We would like to develop a simple mobile app for both IOS and Android with collecting background data about users. Please contact us for more details.