Hay guys disini saya akan membantu kalian mengerjakan tugas-tugas kalian?fee nya tergantung tingkat kesulitannya ya! Dibuka untuk SD SMP SMA dan kuliah! tugasmu tugasku
Hello everyone, I need to create a series of art (collection). I have simple and quite specific idea of what I want to be done, but at the same time,…
Busco persona con experiencia en naming y branding para una nueva marca de cerveza artesanal en la ciudad de Medellín (conocimiento o posibilidad de investigación de la cultura local para…
We need help color correcting/brightening this photo to print on a photo card. Subjects need more adjusting than the background (which also needs some brightening). High resolution must be maintained.…
I want a professional to design a (photography gift card) for my small business, front & back using my logo and photos and specific text I need on it.
Company called “Angel Photography” Tattoo realism best expresses my need want to bring the attached 3 images to life as a logo in the appropriate format. looking for a person…
i have a bunch a footage for my youtube channel i just dont have time to edit
Update a Rendered CAD video from existing structures 50aud is fox budget