I’m in need of a honest personal assistant. Who would assist me in publishing some house listings online. I will pay $700 weekly. I specifically need an US assistant. Text…
Re-type an bundle of English PAGES… MICROSOFT SM WORDS– 87452
Hello we need an aggregator can scour Se and web and find results for query and put into spreadhseet See info inside zip Budget $50 ( Max amount) any other…
Re-type an bundle of English PAGES… MICROSOFT SM WORDS–46782
Hi, Find attached the sheet, I need two dialog boxes for the two tables to feed the data. The third table is for auto reconciliation.
Need help building a spreadsheet for budgeting/forecasting. Looking to have it primarily VBA driven.
I’ll send some paragraphs for you then you have to copy type it on word. I’ll send all the data after selecting you. You have to copy type it very…
Re-type an bundle of English PAGES…MICROSOFT SM WORD– 879664
I need someone well versed with both PDF conversion into Word and MS Office for an urgent task of fixing layout issues and correcting words after an OCR. English native…