I need a UK solicitor to lodge two RX1s at the land registry. UK based and registered solicitors ONLY please.
DIGITALISED E-COMMERCE CARD FOR BASIC COMMODITIES PURCHASES FOR PROJECT MANAGERS would like to offer you THE PORTAL PROJECT powered by greensales software company . We can discuss any details over…
Act as a civil registrar for a civil wedding (read from script so no need to memorise anything)
Act as a civil registrar for a civil wedding (read from script so no need to memorise anything)
Centro de Estudios Artísticos y Terapéuticos: Taller de música para niños en formato online. Llevamos más de 2 años y necesitamos un vendedor o vendedora. Llegan muchas personas a probar…
We are looking for a freelancer with experience in requirements engineering for web applications to help us build a new application for SaaS companies. (Not a developer!) The application should…
Looking for US/EU/Canada and some South American based Business representative or office manager for small software consultancy based business. Your job will be able to handle all clients and represent…
Atendimento domiciliar a paciente com diagnóstico neurológico ( AVC, Parkinson, etc) ortopédico (tendinite, bursite, dores musculares) traumatologico ( fratura, entorse, luxação). Além de atendimento para pacientes geriátricos que busca uma…
Estamos trabajando en un cliente en Rosario, del rubro siderúrgico. Necesitamos 2 profesionales independientes que hayan trabajado previamente en Procesos y/o Auditorías Operativas ya sea en relación de dependencia o…
Hi, Hello, I have created an Android App that organises online contest after every one hour or less than that in which e.g, every contest has 50 spots and about…
Want to make real estate website. I have start up . I am not techie. Plz Be the needful
I need someone to write a script like this one https://youtu.be/g508HVsjixs