Hey everyone, I’m looking for someone willing to handle outreach/appointment setting for my social media marketing agency. -Payment will be with a good % of every closed deal. -Please feel…
LORAM – QMS Staffing and Structure Recommendation- QMS Consultant Loram is seeking a Quality Management System (QMS) consultant that can provide the recommendation of a 3rd Party (the hired consultant)…
Create A Business Plan For My Real Estate Company (Construction, Renovation, Acquisition, Relocation, Development, Government Contracting, Title Escrow). I Want To Move My Business From The Private Sector Into Government…
Hello All, I am looking for the Freelancer in long term basis. Work Description:- Over past two years, I worked hard and created the network of around 3000+ Engineering professionals…
I need assistance recruiting accountants, tax preparers, and bookkeepers in Canada to take a survey
I need assistance recruiting 20 to 30 CPAs, accountants, tax preparers, business advisors, payroll specialists, and bookkeepers in Canada to take a survey on https://www.surveymonkey.com/. Participants will answer almost 7-10…
The project is divided in 2 parts – 1) Legal letter 2) Explanation of the incident
Good Morning هi would you do every things from A to Z till the patent issued. ( Idea, write the template, reply to USPOT if we need ….. etc.) I’m…
we have 3 question and forms need to be answered by HR consultant
I am the attorney appointed by my parents as their litigation guardian, which appointment needs court approval, the opposite dispute my appointment since they claim that I have conflict of…
Job Description: I have a very simple ThinkScript (Thin or Swim) indicator that I want converted to pine script so that it can be used in the tradingview charts. The…
We are looking for an engineer that can go to our sites for Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing and do a site visits and report back to us.
I need an accountant with experience to audit my business payroll for years : 2019,2020,2021 and 2022. I hired a freelancer from this platform to create a detailed excel and…