I am working with my STBXW in preparing divorce agreement proposal outside court to minimize costs. Need expert help in preparing
I am looking for a freelancer to create a pitch deck business plan for my early-stage technology business. The purpose of the pitch deck is to create an investor presentation.…
Project Criteria, communication Mangment Plan, Human resources management Plan, organization structure, stakeholder manamgent plan, WBS, project scope management plan, cost management plan, quality management plan, risk management plan
I am looking for an HR specialist who can assist me with recruitment and selection for a specific role/industry. My preferred method of candidate sourcing is through job boards. The…
I am looking for assistance filing IRS returns in the state of my primary business address. These returns are related to a business, but I am interested in learning more…
Hi all Ill come to Tunisia next moth. And i need to contact with art gallery’s to visit And i need someone make a meeting with them to show them…
I am in need of a freelancer to conduct research for the Assam Project. The focus of the research is on the historical context of the location. The ideal candidate…
Ich brauche Sie, um Kleidung für mich zu bestellen und sie nach Kasachstan auf einer dauerhaften Basis zu senden, wird die Zahlung ein Prozentsatz der Auftragssumme sein, können Sie von…
I’m looking for someone to help me rapidly grow a clothing brand. Specifically, I want to achieve short-term, rapid growth. I don’t have an existing marketing plan in place, but…
I’m in need of help urgently! I need employment documentation, specifically a W2, as soon as possible. I’m on a tight timeline, it needs to be due today and I’m…
I’m looking for consulting services from Turide Consulting, spanning both long-term and short-term commitments. Primarily, I am seeking Business Development consulting, but also require assistance with implementation as well. I…
I am looking to develop an online service based business idea with a scope of reaching nationally that focuses on providing environmentally friendly solutions. This business idea will aim to…