write a program to control the quantization matrices used for compression

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Follow these steps:

image file name: [login to view URL]

-Write a Java class that converts the bitmap image to JPEG format.

-Add a second viewable pane on your image viewer in TME 1 (I will include the image viewer program). The original pane should display the original bitmap image, and the second pane should display the converted JPEG image.

-Add a mechanism to input the quantization matrix. It should have three options:

(a) default JPEG matrix (b) a constant number; (c) DC component only (i.e. set all other numbers to zero).

-Add an option to the File menu to output the compressed JPEG image to the hard disk.

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