Woocommerce : PDF Gift Vouchers

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

We have purchased a plugin to generate PDF gift vouchers and want someone to configure, test and implement the plugin for us.

Only 3 simple products at present, have a design concept already for the simple voucher.

Ideally would prefer someone who has worked with WPWeb WooCommerce PDF Vouchers before but not essential if you are confident you can do the job.

Need someone to get this done in the next 24hrs but I would expect it to be a fairly quick job for someone who knows what they are doing.

Will discuss more with those we want to work with in chat – only bids of less than $40 will be even looked at and no trying to renegotiate you will be blocked forever – prove you have read this project description in its entirety by putting the word school as the first word of your bid.

Thank you.

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