we need Adobe Experience Platform trainer who can deliver online training

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Need Adobe Experience Manager who can deliver online training
No of participants : 13
participants : intermediate
daily 4hr of teaching
minimum experience : 10 year
Adobe Experience Cloud Exam objectives and scope Section 1: Discovery (18%) • Translate high-level business goals to functional requirements • Given a scenario, assess the current state of an architecture • Determine non-functional technical requirements for solution design Section 2: Solution design (44%) • Given business requirements, design detailed architecture and solution • Given a scenario, determine appropriate security solutions for a design • Apply procedural concepts to incorporate integration requirements into a solution design • Determine which types of performance and testing requirements should be included in a solution • Apply procedural concepts for designing scalable and resilient architecture • Given a scenario, recommend migration strategies Section 3: Implementation (22%) • Given a scenario, identify and resolve design issues revealed during implementation stage • Given a scenario, recommend implementation approaches based on requirements • Determine appropriate methods to use to prototype solutions for proof of concepts • Given a scenario, diagnose and resolve issues encountered during implementation Section 4: Maintenance (16%) • Given a scenario, diagnose and resolve issues encountered in production environment • Apply procedural concepts to plan for use of new features and upgrades • Given a scenario, optimize solution for non-functional requirements

Skills Required


Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project