Video editing for my short video about the way my brother influenced my life

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Remember me Video

Incorporate Zach’s poem in the voiceover (I will have the voiceover of this poem in my voice to go along with the videos and pictures listed)

Remember me. Not just in your thoughts
But in everything you see. (video things that make you think of Zach)

Remember me. But never through
Saddened eyes I ask of you please. ( picture of Zach skateboarding and video of me doing it )

Remember me. With a joyous heart
For the times we spent together. (video of TMSA basketball)

Remember me. And know the bond we
Shared can never be untethered. (video of something unbreakable) (metaphor)

Remember me. And all the laughter and
The good times we shared. (video of Br. Hytham practice)

Remember me. Knowing I never took for
Granted all the ways you showed you cared. (video of feeding homeless, hygiene bags, can drive)

Remember me. When you heart feels heavy, that I
Help put the sunlight on your face. (video of you looking up at the sky with the sun on your face.)

Remember me. I’m with you everywhere you go and in Everything you do. (video of your dorm room)

Remember me. I know how much you love me; remember
How much I love you too. (video of a neon heart)

Remember me. And forget about the sorrow.
Remember me. Yesterday. Today. And tomorrow. (photo of Zach before he died, photo of headstone, photo/video of an angel.)

Remember me. As I will always remember you. (video of a superman costume). (Metaphor)

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