VB6 code to create .igs files from text file of XY coordinates

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I need VB6 code (possibly VB code if it requires no special vb.net functions) to create an .igs file from a text file of XY coordinates. I would expect some type of user interface screen where you can specify some comments to be held in the .igs file, and mm or inches, and a “Go” button to create the 3D .igs file. I can easily accept limits, like the comments must be shorter than, say, 40 characters. The file name and path can be hardcoded. I would also like a thickness I can specify so the 2D XY points could specify a solid of some particular thickness.

The file will always be in the form of 360 XY coordinates that wrap around to form a somewhat circular part with a varying radius, 1 data point for every approximate degree of rotation around the circular part.

I have attached:

The “Honda” .txt file of 360 XY coordinates
The “Honda” .igs file of 360 XY coordinates my current VB6 software creates
The “Part…” file created by (I believe) solidworks for a 3 dimensional part with .25″ thickness

I believe the “Part…” file is much more complex than needed, and probably contains some smoothing or curve fitting. I am hoping you can just modify the Honda .igs file with a thickness and linking the segments so it forms a solid.

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