Use Java Programming to implement Deadlock Prevention Techniques

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I’m researching Deadlock prevention Techniques and I want you to write a simple program, that could be on a single java file. Implementing The Deadlock Prevention techniques; Mutual Exclusion, Hold and Wait, No preemption, and Circular Wait using the following Sequence:
– Using the Uniform Distribution function to generate random numbers to be passed as parameters through a method call.
– Range of parameters should be between 1-20
– techniques to compare will be
1. First-come, First-serve Scheduling algorithm.
2. Shortest Remaining Job First (Preemptive) Scheduling algorithm
3. Priority Non-Preemptive Scheduling algorithm
The aim is to compare results to see which is more efficient. The result should print speed and efficiency saying which is best.

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