Unity – mediapipe
Project detail
You must have integrated Unity and flutter with the unity flutter widget previously
You must know the difference between compiling it on Windows and MAC with mediapipe/opencv and unity and why flutter must be compiled on the same platform
We must have a VERY VERY VERY experienced unity developer who knows how to do this.
Work to do
1. help our developer to integrate flutter-unity with the widget.
2. adjust any face filters and fine-tune them (there is face tracking already)
You MUST HAVE this experience
Unity (>= 2020.3.29f1))
Mediapipe-unity-plugin – v0.7.0 as its less error prone.
OpenCV for Windows (< 4.0) (we can replace this with OpenCV for Mac)
Bazel 4.0.0
Python 3.9.x