Unity 3D VR Interaction

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Interactive 3D Application Final Project
Subject: Computer Maintenance
Target: University Student

Interaction: Computer CPU assembly & disassembly

What i have done: The Virtual Room Lab & CPU Parts.

Minimum requirements:

1. Three (3) objects related to the selected course that are clickable where
textual information about the selected object will be displayed. (20)

2. Three (3) objects related to the selected course that are dragable. (20)

3. Two (2) animations that activated by ontriggerenter function. (20)

4. Two (2) objects that can be selected and rescaled (bigger or smaller) in realtime. (20)

5. Two (2) objects that can be selected and rotated in realtime. (20)

So, please design your virtual lab or room with related objects.

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project