Technical marketing materials translation

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

We need to translate a set of documents describing a novel computer technology for the general audience. The set ranges in difficulty from app descriptions (general audience) to a white paper (technical marketing). Please provide a translation of a fragmented 192 paragraph below as a sample.
NewNode avoids the slowdowns commonly caused by many devices attempting to
access the same content once. Rather than causing slowdowns, increased content
demand actually speeds up the delivery of that content, which now has many more
nodes through which to travel. Censorship also becomes incredibly difficult when information is passed through user
devices – there is no clear, central information storage location for censors to target.
Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) attacks and Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks
are especially ineffective against NewNode, since NewNode distributes information
through an encrypted grassroots user network[…..]
Because information is stored and sent through a network of devices, the
expenses associated with large content storage computers (typical of most
CDNs) disappear. With traditional CDNs, bandwidth fees escalate as the user
base grows, and when users request large files such as images and videos.
Bandwidth fees of $10 per terabyte are common, which is equivalent to 100
users downloading 30 minutes of video content. These fees make traditional
CDNs a major expense for content publishers. Rather than charging more
for increased bandwidth usage, NewNode charges at a constant rate, since
increased user activity also increases available storage space.

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