Subcontractor for Independent Food Distributor

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Hello, im looking for someone to create a contract agreement for me to be protected as a subcontractor for an independent food distributor. The distributor is giving me 8 stores in his territory out of approximately 22 stores he service, to service. Terms are the same commission percentage he receives from the parent company on all net sales of the 8 stores given to me and any stores in the future i service in the distributor territory, as long as i provide my own required insurance, storage, and vehicle. The contract is void if there are multiple valid customer complaints as it relates to poor service by me in the 8 stores. The distributor agrees to split the route and provide me sole ownership of the territory given to me if net sales reach or exceed $3800 weekly. Distributor agrees to sell off stores to me if the entire territory owned by distributor reaches the threshold by parent company to split the territory. If the distributor decides to sell the entire territory, i would get the first right of refusal to buy the territory and distributor agrees to provide me with $1,000 for every month i serviced the route up to $10,000 if entire territory is sold to someone else at which point we would mutually agree to cancel this contract on the last day of ownership by current distributor.
These are the basics of the current verbal agreement i have with the distributor. I can provide the stores so they are listed in the contract as well as any other details needed. If based on the info i provided, there is other legal info needed to protect me, please inform me so i am properly protected. I will also need lines for it to be notarized.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project