Shopify website challenge.
Project detail
Expiration clock title listings shaded in red blocks so everyone knows at a glance before they click on the box, the deal has an end time.
A section titled “Amazon hurries”, for Amazon items which may run out quickly. Discussion; should this section also be made available in the normal listings?
Listing deals with pictures, then click on the picture and the box opens up within the same page for additions/edits/notes/transport link to deal. A back button/arrow/X may be used to drop the box back into place on the top/landing page.
Popular deals have a red police siren/light positioned in the box or on the box but visible before clicking on the deal.
Timer related posted links
1. Expiration/countdown
Beginning if link is not live yet
Reset if deal ends but becomes live again
Personal reminders/alarms (All done back to/through BTU)
1. Remind me (clock and date option)
2. Send to email
3. Text to phone
Deal postings visual on top page:
3 deals across each in box form, 9-12 per page with pictures. Ability to leave input, specifically named “Pository” and “Negatory” as separate categories, thereby eliminating the need to read all input.
The deals on the page opens up like a box that pops out upon selecting, and opens up to reveal “negatory” on the left side and “pository” on the right side within the box. Clicking on the deal posted opens deal into new tab without affecting the positioning of the BTU landing/top page.
Setting up deal posting/links:
Links need two lines to post, one for the actual link and the second to type what person posting wants the link to be described as. This should have the ability to to preview before posting live.
Membership is free and anyone may use the site but only members who are signed up may post deals. Membership requires an email address and members may select a username.
Face/Hair category:
Small head with hair above title “Face/Hair” on top page, upon clicking, takes user to larger “Face/Hair” picture on a different page with links on various locations of “Face/Hair” picture with sub headings to choose from such as “Oily”, “Dry”, “Combination”, “Acne” for “Face” and “Straight”, “Curly”, “Oily”, “Dry”, “Frizzy”, “Breakage” for “Hair”.
Color scheme/options:
User may customize website colors and fonts from standard to dark theme or varying colors.