Searching for a Kubernetes expert that knows how to make a pod be able to use a public external IP (because the application requires it) but behing an nginx load balancer (if it's possible)

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I’m searching for a Kubernetes expert that knows how to make a k8s pod be able to use a public external IP.

I need this because the application requires to be assigned a public IP to work. I already have a Docker container that works but the idea is that I want to run that container in a k8s pod that is already set up in a working k8s cluster in which the pod and also the node autoscales to 1 if they fail.

Important: it has to work behind an Nginx load balancer for the mentioned autoscaling of the nodes to work (if it’s possible)

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