Research whether a drug exists that can make your body mostly still without stopping your breathing
Project detail
I need somebody to research for me whether a drug exists that can make your body totally still or mostly still to the point where you couldn’t impulsively lash out and be violent.
Kind of like a deliberately induced Parkinsonism but without side effects
I have read about the paralytics class of drugs, but these make your lungs paralysed to where you die without being hooked up to a ventilator, which is expensive and dangerous
I know that ADHD drugs, the stimulants, can certainly make you more still, but not entirely still, and there are some people who get excessively agitated and violent on these drugs
What drug exists, or could exist, to make your body still, which is safe?
I am looking for a thorough answer and if I have many further questions, I will create a new project and pay you to answer these questions too.