Quiz to run on FACEBOOK APP in Bengali Language

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Need a quiz to run on Facebook
1: 50 set of multiple choice questions
2: each set will have 10 questions with 4 answer and 1 right answer
3: next button will take to the next question,
4: option to review all questions before submit, option to change the answer before submit.
5: after submit, students will have facility to see all the questions with right answer,
6: students will get 15 minute to complete the 10 questions

A: Before enter the exam registration require with 11 digit mobile number, once register, software will need to provide a ID number Like A001,A002 etc. Only admin of the website have right to see the mobile number with ID.

Web page need to run on Facebook APP(IOS and Android)
the webpage can play a advertise once before complete one set of exam for income purposes

Once mobile number register and exam taken same mobile number will not allowed to re submit exam until next week( until new quiz page update).
All old registered mobile number should delete / removed once new set of questions become live

Every week will start 6pm Saturday and finish Friday Banggladesh time 10pm.

Admin will manually chose the questions set for every week.

Admin will edit the questions set

Everything will be written in Bangla language.

A massage box need on top right corner where admin can Leave a new massage every day,( 50word space)

1000 questions and answer to given for study with separate page link with Home page

This is for education purpose so page design need to be on a similar topic

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project