PYTHON PANDAS TKINTER PROGRAMMER to implement Excel File Update from CSV, with non-complex GUI
Project detail
We need to update a No-Sql database using Excel files that are “provided” by the No-Sql engine.
App has to be able to:
Initializing variables from .ini files
GUI. 3 tabs / 3 forms / 3 processes
File-Opening – CSV reading – Excel Updating
Description, situation context
So…, we download an excel file from the server, but we can’t modify it using formulas, macros, or adds-on.
We can only modify some data, and we can only do it from a starting particular row until EOF()
Tab 1
1) One process, named “UPDATE”, will…
Typical file pick-up with “Select” button.
Considering general settings that will tell the app “how” to match any excel row, with the CSV file, some changes
are going to be made to the matching rows. Here some conditions will be evaluated prior to apply changes.
Then, some general changes are going to be applied to ALL excel rows, in some specific columns.
Tab 2
2) Other processes named “Active/Inactive”
Typical file pick-up with “Select” button.
Would ask for two pairs of values, corresponding to two Excel columns.
A condition would be analyzed for everyone of them, and the record status would be switchable between Active and Unactive.
Tab 3.
4) The third process will be named “Append”
Typical file pick-up with “Select” button.
Then considering other CSV with its own structure, would just append records to an heavily structured, but data-empty Excel file.
“contract conditions”
1) Payment at finish upon prior productive testing, and debugging.
2) Source must be delivered
3) Compiled for Win 32, and win 64
Testing data sets will be provided.
Not limited to C++ or Python, but must be able to self-run in Windows Xp, Windows 7-32-64, and Windows 10
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