Progressive Web App Development

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

We have an app idea that we need developed as a progressive web app.

It will be an app for employers to send surveys to their employees.

All questions would be on a numerical scale (ex. How likely are you to recommend this company from 1 to 10?).

The database would need to collect responses anonymously (Employer would see that 7/10 people have responded to the survey but won’t know who didn’t and won’t know answers of any specific person).

It would have some basic stats generated (For example, reports with the survey summary, very similar to survey monkey or mailchimp).

It would need to be lean and scaleable (some companies will have 1000+ users).

Please bid your budget & timeframe roughly. Wireframes and UI are being done by our designer now. Also write in your bid what experience you have and what stack do you suggest for something like this. Thanks!

Skills Required


Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project