Power system harmonic estimation: a comparative study

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Looking for a qualified & Experienced person who is an expert in harmonic estimation and Matlab. can do for my project.
I would like to make a comparison between 3 methods which are 1) DFT (discrete Fourier transform), 2) ANN (Artificial neural network) 3)GWO (grey wolf optimization),

and the comparison between them is based on showing the effect of each of 1- sampling frequency, 2- number of sampling,3- noise level, 4- window size, 5- missing data, and 6- computation time.
Regarding the report that I need, it should explain in general what are the three methods used, and then a comparison is made showing which methods are better, stronger, and more effective in the process of estimating harmonics

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