Plasting mould dye autocad design

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I’m looking for an experienced freelancer to design a CAD model for plastic mould dye. This design will be used for manufacturing – not for testing or distribution. 3D printing is not required for this project; the model will be created and then used to create the plastic mould dye. The plastic that will be used is ABS plastic which is a highly durable and versatile type of polymer. The end goal is to create a design that can be used to manufacture plastic mould dye.

The perfect freelancer for this project should have experience working with computer-aided design programs and familiarity with ABS plastic. Given the complexity of the task, the freelancer should also have a good understanding of CAD modeling, molding/casting techniques, and principles of plastic product design.

If you think that you’re qualified and have the skills needed to successfully complete this project, please get in touch!

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project