Pipeline for Gitlab CE cicd – ant and sonar stages with unit testing for python project

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Hello! I’m looking for a talented freelancer to help me set up my project using Gitlab Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) for an automation project written in Python. In this project, I want to incorporate two stages for running automated testing – Ant and Sonar. Additionally, I need someone who can help me with unit testing using the Python Unit Testing framework.

My project utilizes Git for version control, and Gitlab for CI/CD. I’m looking for someone who is experienced in both, as I need this set up to be done quickly and accurately. Once the CI/CD process is set up, the freelancer needs to set up and execute the Sonar and Ant stages with the Python Unit Tests.

Overall, I’m looking for someone who is an expert in creating and setting up automated CI/CD processes in Gitlab and in performing automated testing (both unit testing and integration testing). Additionally, I need someone who is knowledgeable in Python programming and has experience in incorporating unit tests in the Python framework. Finally, familiarity with both the Ant and Sonar testing stages is a must.

I’m eager to find a freelancer who can help me with this project, so please let me know if you have the

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